Sunday, March 23, 2008

row, row, row your boat

my boy p. money took me along on an all expense paid caribbean cruise. it was tits. some of the heartiest laughs i've had in a long while. ate so much good food. buffets nearly round the clock. sunshine, booze, bikinis, hours of shuffle board. good times.
heres a video montage of our trip.
i asked my friend if he watched this video. he said he watched half and then turned it off. explaining, 'i got the jist, besides, i dont want to watch a video of you guys having fun anyway.'

what's a battle?

this is something a friend showed to me a little while back. its entitled 'battle at kruger' which i think would be a sweet ass band name. (anyone want to form a band w/ me. ive already got an idea for the name.) this video is shot by some annoying australians but doesnt take away any of the glory and awesomeness of it. its a story of utter courage, perserverance, loyalty and honor. starring animals. this video will change your life.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

stop by, tap your feet, then get out.

hip-hop from yours truly.

Friday, February 22, 2008

ahh, real real monsters

as we all know, kids suck at drawing. dave devries takes they're poorly thought out, horribly executed attempts at something worth hanging on the fridge, and makes them cool. i have a boner over this stuff.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

funny pictures
i've only recently discovered the LOL phenomenon. needless to say i have a lot of catching up to do.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

i love the age we live in. this is absolutely incredible. i hate hearing people bitch about how there are no flying cars yet. who gives a fuck? we'll soon have coffee table computers. use a coaster

Sunday, February 3, 2008

this is awesome. i love mass organized anything.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008



New single out from Buffalo's own D.T.O.P. The first single is a quintessentially jam about the joy of house partys. Blunts, beers, and bitches, a combination of all three.